Busy or Productive, That is the Question.
Photo by Alex Block on Unsplash
I’ve been talking a lot about productivity versus busyness on social media. And getting some great responses! For me, the biggest difference between the two is that busyness can become negative, whereas productivity has a positive connotation. For example, how often do you reply, “I’ve been busy.” to the question, “How are you?”. As if busy is an answer to what you are experiencing mentally, emotionally, physically or spiritually. “Busy” is a filler answer and often used as a filler throughout the day. Yet, we are praised for being busy. For filling time – even if it takes away from our relationships or ability to be present. Busyness is a way of life. It’s rushing from one task or place to the next, keeping a quick pace, doing multiple things at once, but never really being present or following through.
Productivity, on the other hand, occurs when we are present and producing, dutifully working on or finishing tasks. It’s being in-the-zone or in-flow while working. Sometimes productivity is busy, especially during seasons of high workloads or planning for an upcoming event or meeting. During these times, we are busy being productive. The difference is that this busyness can stay positive when we still set boundaries and take time for ourselves and others, rather than turn the busyness into filling every moment of each day with an activity, errand or task. Positive busyness during a productive phase still leaves room for boredom and holds space for others at work and at home.
What stage are you in right now? Are you busy filing your days with meetings, appointments, work, starting one task after another and bouncing around from place to place? Or, are you in-flow, feeling creative, full of zest and sailing high on productivity?
Check in with yourself.
If you are busy, what can you let go of?
What task can you delegate to someone else?
Where is there room to say, “No.” or, “I am not able to do that right now; let’s schedule for another day.”
Where can you find space, even if once a week to do something for yourself that fills your cup?
Can you be present with others and do one thing at a time, rather than work on multiple tasks simultaneously?
Pick one of these. Do it and notice the result. Then, try another.
If you are productive, way to go! Notice what fills your cup, though, because productivity will not last if overtime it turns into busyness and/or overwork.
Notice: are you staying present in your tasks to keep your flow?
What are you doing that boosts your productivity? And remember what that is so you can keep it up!
Are you taking time for yourself, and if not, schedule it.
No matter where you are right now, productive, busy, or somewhere in between, I invite you to try this quick, Yoga for Productivity flow:
First, stand up. Then, try the below moves and stay for 3-5 breaths each.
1. Full Body Swings to build energy
2. Chair Pose to build strength
3. Forward Fold to release tension
4. Standing Mountain + Standing Backbend to stand firm and create space/openness
For a quick visual, click here OR enjoy a 10 minute Yoga For Productivity class.
How do you feel now?
In health,
Lindsay Coward, MPH
Founder, Yoga Nut