5 Ways to Incorporate Wellbeing into your busy day
When you’re a busy professional, It’s easy to dive into your day without first taking time to organize or tend to your own needs. Unfortunately, this often is the precursor to burnout, overwhelm, stress and poor wellbeing. Think about the speech from the flight attendant before each flight. Do you recall them saying that if the plane goes down, put on your oxygen mask first before helping those around you? This is akin to your work day. Without taking care of yourself first, and filling your cup, how can you expect to give to others? If you haven’t slept well, eaten breakfast, drank water, moved your body, or done something for yourself, it’s nearly impossible to be available for someone else.
We can not expect to complete tasks to the best of our ability, to be clear-headed in meetings, to work productively and be eager to be at work when we’re living off minimal resources. If you’re in need of filling your cup and stamping out stress and burnout, try these 5 Ways to Incorporate Wellbeing into your busy day:
1. Take care of yourself first: Enjoy your meals instead of skipping them or pushing them off + sip on water throughout your day.
2. Take a break: when you’re feeling flustered, or tasks that are normally a breeze take a long time to complete, step away for a moment. Go outside, walk around the room, stretch.
Wellness Break - Neck Stretches by Yoga Nut
3. Do something you love: Before work, after work or during your work break. This could be moving your body, talking to a friend, journaling, gardening, etc. Choose something for YOU!
4. Speak up: when you’re feeling defeated, burned out, overwhelmed or upset, talk to someone about it. Management, colleagues, partners and therapists are all great persons to talk to.
5. Take time to reset: Shut off all technology one hour before bed, sit outside during lunch, or enjoy your favorite radio show or podcast during your commute.
Which tip is your favorite way to incorporate wellbeing into your busy work day?
In health,
Lindsay Coward, MPH
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